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Black Dog vs PTS

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2019 11:59 pm
by Madman
Black Dog: 6 speed / 4 traction / 1 torque / 14 weapon / 5 armour (+1 drum)


3 speed / 2 traction / 1 torque / 15 weapon / 9 armour

Come out, full Box Rush, and yeet this man out of the arena. We've just seen a box rush work against SOW. Its spin-up time isn't the greatest, so I have a shot. If I survive that hit and he's still in the arena, he's prolly upside-down. If he's not, come back and stuff him. If he gets up to speed, sacrifice a wheelguard to slow/ricochet him, pray a bit, and rush back in. I have two shots with that, maybe. Get to his body for a KO if I can. Hooray for hard counters.

GL Drew