Yellow Buzzard vs. Electric Agression

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Yellow Buzzard vs. Electric Agression

Post by British-Robotics » Mon Mar 12, 2018 4:39 pm

Yellow Buzzard's traction is crap since his speed is well over the traction figure and his front teeth for the wedge are paper thin so I feel YB could struggle, I could try and angle in for a precauious method incase YB messes up and do some fake out tactics. I'll leave the jaws open until the oppertunity is there, once I manage to get YB I'll close the jaws down to get a decent grip enough to get one of the wheels raised off the arena floor and take him to the floor flippers.

If I get flipped, I'll just keep on going and continue to keep on moving about the arena. Avoid self inflicting to the hazards.

Good luck and may the best bot win :3!

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